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Beautiful bored Asian nurse gets wild for a white tourist

by VRinAsia


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Beautiful bored Asian nurse gets wild for a white tourist

180° 60 FPS
Studio: VRinAsia
Nov 13, 2024
Positions: leaning, staying
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It was night and you are just walking the streets of Bangkok when you see a beautiful lady dressed in black and long black hair standing alone and calling with someone. You wait her call to end to say hello and give her a compliment. She is all smiles and she even allows you to make a picture of her. Her name Meena, 22yo. You then invite her out and she iss more then happy to join. She tells me she was a nurse and you explaind her that you are a photographer. You find her so beautiful that you invite her to make a few pictures at your hotel room. That is now for you to enjoy.

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